Me And Charlie

 Charlie is the one in the middle (Photo by Steve Piper)

Some Words About Me

"The older, the wiser." I'm working on that one. My camera keeps me noticing and discovering, while my community of friends and family sustains me. I often find myself in "aha!" moments, and I seem to be perfecting the getting older part.

Most of my life I have been a self-employed photographer, sometimes struggling, sometimes celebrating a windfall, but always observing. Observing my feelings. Watching the visual and emotional ironies, incongruities, surprises, and loveliness of the world I encounter. I may have a different definition of "lovely," and it excites me to be able to show it. I consider my camera an invitation into others' lives. So, I will not be a fly on your wall. I will breathe your air, connect, and see both myself and you as I respond to what's in front of me.

I was born in Brooklyn, raised on Long Island. My mother's parents were  Russian Jewish immigrants who were dedicated left wing labor organizers.  My dad was a toy designer who brought home Patty Play Pal, Betsy Wetsy, Mouse Trap, Mr. Machine, and many more goodies from his job. Every evening he called up the stairs, "Who wants ice cream?" as we settled in front of the television set. My mom taught nursery school, played Go Tell Aunt Rhody on the autoharp and hurt my ears when she sang. She liked to be goofy, dressed for comfort, didn't shave her legs, and In our family lore, she was perfect. She died of a brain hemorrhage when I was 19, leaving me wishing I could have gotten to know her better. Perfect must have been a difficult crown to wear.

Now I live in Rochester, NY with fellow photographer, husband, best friend, father of my kids, Steve Piper. We've been here since 1978, when we arrived for RIT's MFA photography program. Two degrees, two daughters, two grandkids, five dogs, and one freelance photo business later, we remain. 

I am also an activist, and try to express my concerns for the needs of others with my photography. On these pages, you will see some of that work, but you will also see much more. The common thread is that they all represent my way of nodding to a world searching for answers.

To see our commercial and wedding websites go to: (commercial) or (wedding).